Tuesday 22 July 2014

Ranginui and Papatuanuku

The story of Ranginui and Papatuanuku
(insert an image next to each of these gods)
Remember that the word Maori has a capital letter, because all languages need a capital letter.

1. Who is Ranginui?
Ranginui is the god of the sky.
2. Who is Papatuanuku?
Papatuanuku is the god of the land.
3. Who is the Maori god of the forests?
Tāne Mahuta is the god of the forests.
4. Who is the Maori god of the winds?
Tāwhirimātea is the god of the winds.
5. Who is the Maori god of war?
Tūmatauenga is the god of war.
6. Who is the Maori god of the sea?
Tangaroa is the god of the sea.
7. Find a link to the Maori story of creation about Ranginui and Papatuanuku.

8. Summarise the story of creation in 10 words.

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