Thursday, 23 October 2014

Rotational Symmetry

Translations: Rotational Symmetry
  1. Go through the MyiMaths lesson doing all of the activities Myimaths-Shape-Symmetry-Rotational Symmetry
  2. Create a blog post: Title: Rotational Symmetry Label: Maths
  3. Answer these questions
  1. In your own words explain what rotational symmetry is. Rotational Symmetry is where a shape can rotate and be the same as it was when you started.
  2. A shape has an order of rotational symmetry of 2. What does this mean?A rotational symmetry of 2 is where the shape can be exactly the same twice through out the 360˚ turn.
  3. How is rotational symmetry different from line symmetry?  In rotational symmetry if a turn of 180˚ or less produces an image that fits exactly on the original and in line symmetry the shape can be mirrored.
  4. What do you do to check if a shape has rotational symmetry? You rotate it.
  5. Find pictures of 3 real life objects which have rotational symmetry (not shapes, objects e.g. foods, logos) and paste them into your post

Complete this table
If a shape has rotational symmetry of order 3, how many degrees would it rotate to match itself? Answer = 120 degrees

Degrees of rotation to match its shape

  1. Do the Mathopolis quiz and record your score

  1. Create an amazing design with the order of symmetry = 5 using symmetry artist. Screenshot and add it to your blog post.

  1. Worksheets at the front of the room. Glue into your maths book and write the date and learning intention. (see Miss Campbell for a mini lesson on how to do the grid worksheet)

a. Rotational Symmetry is where a shape can rotate and be the same as it was when you started.
b. A rotational symmetry of 2 is where the shape can be exactly the same twice through out the 360˚ turn.
c. In rotational symmetry if a turn of 180˚ or less produces an image that fits exactly on the original and in line symmetry the shape can be mirrored.
d. You rotate it.

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