Wednesday, 17 September 2014

N.Z. Electorates.

Find a map which shows the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate?

Which electorate do you live within?

List the candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate.

Bay of Plenty:
Deborah Cunliffe
Ray Dolman
Brendan Horan
Tracy Livingston
Todd Muller
Ben Rickard
Clare Wilson

Simon Bridges
Nathaniel Heslop
Rachel Jones
Rusty Kane
Yvette Lamare
Ian McLean
James Maxwell
Clayton Mitchell
Verna Ohia-Gate
Michael O'Neill
Stuart Pedersen
Which candidate would you vote for and why?

How long has the Tauranga electorate existed?

Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?

When was the last election?

When was Winston Peters the MP for Tauranga?

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

MMP Voting System

In the MMP system you get two votes one for the the party you like and the other for the local electorate/ the person you want to represent your region of the country, there are 71 regions in New Zealand. In New Zealand there are 120 seats in the house of parlament.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Question Story

I moved to this country because my family was failing and needed money fast so we decided to move to New Zealand in 2003. I was 13 when we came to New Zealand, on the flight to New Zealand I lost my passport. When I was in the airport my Mum took me to McDonalds while my Dad stayed back and sorted out our suit cases. While my Mum ordered I put my passport down and swung on the bars next to the line. Once we got there my Dad screamed at me but my Mum said that she has picked it up earlier on.

The taxi stopped and we got out at our hotel, it was huge!!! it had a spa bath, two double beds, a minnie fridge but best of all a little container with chocolate bars, chips and some fizzy drinks. I asked Mum if I could go and explore a little and figure out where the pool was. About 10 mins into my adventure around the hotel I noticed a man with a bald head goofy ears and green skin, it was Shrek following me, so I started to run back to my room and I tripped and fell... 
Shrek came up to me and helped me up, after he greeted me and offered me a hot chocolate.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Subject I Know Nothing About

Q.Who made GTA V?
A. Rockstar Games.

Q. Where is the game based?
A. Los Santos also known as Los Angeles.

Q. What console(s) is GTA V on?
A. PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and P.C.

Q. Which genre of game is it?
A. Action/Adventure.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Alien Story

My name is Xeon I came to Earth 20 years ago, I came here because my home planet Geyser was destroyed by an invasion. My best mate Hugwaffle and my wife Zukrethra insisted that they came with me on this adventure. For us to survive we had to do the unspeakable and use our T.P. to take a human form, My wife copied a tall, blond and blue eyed human, Hugwaffle copied a fat human that had glasses and a beanie and I chose to copy and stocky and hansom man wearing a suit. When we left our home planet my wife cried "Why do we need to leave?" "Because it's for the better of us" I replied.