Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Science Fair Recount

Introduction: The reason we decided to make this product is because we are two cricketers and we have trouble always middling the bat (hitting the ball in the centre of the bat) and I’m sure there are many other cricketers that have the same trouble.  We wanted to create a bat that shows you when you have hit the ball in the centre.

Aim: To invent a cricket bat that shows you if you ‘middle’ it or not.

Possible Solution: #1 To create a bat with a tube in it with liquid and when the ball hits the button the liquid with go up and trigger the buzzer on the bat and one LED lights up on the top of the bat.

#2 We could paint the cricket bat black and then smother the ball in chalk and then we would see where we hit the ball, however there is not much technology involved in this so we decided not to do it.

It will need:
Logo sticker(fluro yellow C*J).
Wood(english willow) .
Grip(fluro yellow tape grip).
black paint.
pressure switches x4


Conclusion: We had made our finished product and hope you like it.

The things I did well are Cameron and myself completed our exhibit by ourselves no help and first out of the whole class.

The thing we did bad were that we were a bit confused because we had planned to do something then the other person would do it and it got really confusing.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Natural Skills by Greg O'Connell

Complaint to Rebel Sport

30 18 Avenue

Tuesday 15th April, 2014

Dear Rebel Sport Tauranga,

I have been told and believed your products are impeccable. You have failed to continue that belief because about one week ago I brought a Gilbert size 4 green rugby ball and it had a one week warranty.

The seam started to break after three days and I brought the ball back in to get a replacement and the person at the counter said sorry that product only has a warranty on two days.

I again am very disappointed in your company and I will be sharing this news.
In the future I expect a better service and better quality products.
I either expect a replacement or a refund.

Yours sincerely 
Jayden Cundy

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Homework final week

8 words how the author described the sounds:

  • Slaps
  • Creak
  • Swish 
  • Sigh
  • Whistle
  • Hum
  • Drum
  • Whisper

The poet describes some objects as acting like humans, for example "quiet things speak". Find 
two more examples of this kind of writing from the poem. 

  • The tree top sigh 
  • Ashcans roll

In the second line the poet states, "The quiet things speak". Name two "quiet things" from the 

  • Some whisper
  • Treetops sigh

What is shown by the use of the hyphen at the end of the line, "When the wind goes —"?

  • It is used for a dramatic pause
What two main things happen in the poem?
  • The wind started
  • The wind stopped

Speaking German


Hello- Guten Tag
Good night- Gute Nacht
Good morning- Guten Morgen
Thank you- Danke
Good Bye- Afe Weidersehen

Numbers 1....10.  Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Funf, Sechs, Sieben, Acht, Neun, Zehn.

My name is...   Ich heibe

5 facts about their country:
The population of Germany in 2010 was 82 Million.
Germany has the largest economy in european.
Germany is a member of the european union.
Football is the most popular sport in Germany.
The capital city of Germany is Berlin, it is also the biggest city.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Khan Acadamy

Salman Khan not only teaches his own student but millions of students around the world. Salman Kan has created a website called Khan Academy he has over 400 million hits on all of his videos. He makes simple videos for every level.

The famous Bill Gates donated $15 million dollars towards Khan Academy's site to hire some employes to help Salman develop some new software.

Khan Academy is now super famous because has over 3000 videos and 3 degrees on MIT.

He said he will never put a price tag on to Khan Academy because education is more important than money.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Homework Week 9

Rough, Tough
Passing, Catching, Kicking


I have 二 姐 姐
I have 一 爸 爸
I have 一 妈 妈

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Denis Glover

1. He was born in Dunedin
2. He was December 9 1912
3. He was in the N.Z. navy in WW2

Link to sound poem

Chinese Tones

Chinese is a tonal language what does this mean?
This means that there are tone marks on every vowel and each tone mark changes the meaning of the word.
What is Pinyin?
Pinyin is a different way of writing

How many tones are there in Chinese?
There are 4 tones in Chinese.

Tone #1 bā (high and flat.)

Tone #2 bá (rising up.)

Tone #3 bä (down then up.)

Tone #4 bà (going down and in an angry voice.)

Chinese characters don't show how characters should sound.

ba Tone #1 means the number eight.

ba Tone #4 means dad.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

There, their and they're

You should use their when yo are saying something belongs to somebody.

You should use they're when you are saying they are because the apostrophe is taking a letter out so is is a contraction meaning they are together.

There should be used when you are saying over there or right there.


There is the phone
Over there

Their cat is right there
Their phone is over there

They're going to the movies
They're going to have a swim



This is my mum and I at my student-led conferences
 It was interesting but I now know what I need to do to get my academic ability up.