Monday, 31 March 2014

Short Stories

I found a sock it had the name John. "I always have dreams about him" I say. Well if we kill him you won't have any more.

I turned my sister into a plane she started flying then she soared really high,then turned back again and landed on a hot air balloon.

I got my nephew a radio controlled yhat, it would of been smart to teach him how to use it first but now its too late.

Sunday, 30 March 2014


How many characters are there altogether?

How many characters does an educated person know?

How old are Chinese characters?
Approximately 3,500 years old

Why are some characters called pictographs?

Because they look like an object for example
this horse:

What two characters join together to make good?
Woman + Child = Good 

What two characters join together to make television?
Electric + Vision = Television

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

How to dust the house

Photos with meanings

Photo 1: The Titanic because the Boat is going into the ice and they made a movie and a book.

Photo 2: A sports team and the captain is in the middle telling them to go hard and hyping them up. It could be somebody that is showing courage because there is one person in red and the rest in white.

Photo 3:
My own photo:

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Facts and Opinions

A fact is something that everybody would say and that is true and an opinion is what you think about the thing or person.

Frogs are green.
Roses are red.
Coca-Cola is black.

Frogs are really weird.
Roses are pretty.
Coca-Cola is an okay flavour but it is not the best.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Sound Cloud

Favourite app


My favourite app is Snap Chat because it allows you to send funny and slightly embarrassing pics or vids and they only last for only 10 seconds or less, it's good because they can't put the photo on Facebook or Instagram. So you can't be globally embarrassed. Unless they screen shot it but it comes up on your Snap Chat chat if they have so you can tell them not to put it on any sites or apps.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Kia Kaha


Types of bullying

Verbal bullying
Cyber bullying
Physical bullying
pear pressure bullying

What is bullying

Power and control
To hurt our feeling or body

What are the characteristics of a bully?

  • They are strong
  • They have average popularity
  • They enjoy aggression
  • They have poor concentration
  • They are weak academically
  • They are larger in scale
  • Dominant

What are the characteristics of a victim?

  • They are weak 
  • Shy
  • Scared
  • Quiet 
  • sensitive
  • withdrawn
  • Sad

5 True or False questions?
  • Bystanders are made to join the bullying?
  • Bullies are insecure?
  • Bullies are jealous?

Malaysia Plane Gone Missing

1. How did the plane go missing?
2. Why did somebody change the route of the plane?
3. Where did the plane end up?
4. How far was the plane able to go until it ran out of gas?
5. What was the flight number?
6. How did the person that changes the route know how to fly a plane?
7. Where did the person get their training?
8. What happened to the pilot?
9. Why did the plane crash?
10. What happened to the co-pilot?

1. Don't know.
2. Don't know but they think two passengers were terrorist because they were traveling on stolen passports.
3. They think its about 6 miles west from perth.
4. About 6 miles.
5. MH370.
6. Don't know.
7. Don't know.
8. They think the pilot committed suiside.
9. Somebody was a terrorist and knew how to fly a plane but the plane ran out of gas.
10. Don't know.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Picture Writing

I was walking home when I looked at a Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.38.08 AM.pngon a  Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.39.42 AM.pngdoing Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.41.46 AM.png. Then I looked at a Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.44.09 AM.pngdoing Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.47.45 AM.png off of a Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.45.37 AM.png. The Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.45.37 AM.pngwas so big that I couldn’t see the top.

The Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 8.45.37 AM.pngwas as Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 9.00.58 AM.pngas a Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 9.01.52 AM.png.

Fill the Gap

  1. It's about time you showed up!√
  2. It was its first time out of the cage.√
  3. its feet were covered with sand.√
  4. Get up, it's time for school.√
  5. I’m glad to see you it's been a long time.√
  6. It's important to study hard for tests.√
  7. The bear protected its cubs.√
  8. It's my turn to go down the slide.√
  9. The dog felt great with its new hair cut.√
  10. It's too late to eat dinner.√
  11. My car is old and its paint is peeling.√
  12. The bird realised that the wind had blown its nest away.√
  13. The game came to its conclusion.√
  14. Turn down the music, it's hurting my ears.√

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

How to find the LCM and the GCF in maths

Little Red Hen

A little red hen found a wheat seed. She decided to plant it. She asked a cat, a fox and a pig to help her.
"I can't help" said the cat.
"I'm too busy" said the fox.
"I've got too much to do" replied the pig.
The little red hen dug a hole. She dropped the seed into it. She covered it. The seed grew into a fine stalk of wheat. The little red hen reaped the wheat. She ground it into flour. She mixed this with water in a bowl and made dough. She put this into a baking dish. She put the dish into the oven. When the loaf was baked she didn't share the bread with the cat, fox, or pig. She and her chick ate it. They asked her how it tasted. She told them that it was delicious.

Part of my homework to get a spoon.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Fine for not wearing a life jacket

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? Mr Norman the Harbour Master and a group of people.
2. What was the key event from the news article? People getting fined for not wearing a life jacket.
3. Where did this event take place? Hawke's Bay.
4. When did this event take place? March 11 2014.
5. Why did this event happen? To make boating safer.

Thinking Questions
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article? Mr Norman insists that he does not want the safe record Hawke’s Bay has to be ruined by irresponsible behaviour.
6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.1. Regulations = Rules 2. Comply = Obey 3. Vessel = Large water craft.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

When to use to and too

1. You use to when you are saying stuff like "I have to go"
2. You use too when you are meaning stuff like beside, also ect.
3. Go to bed/Go to the mall/Go have a shower.
4. He wants to forgive you too/He wants to eat too/He wants to sleep too.
5. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


1. Yesterday we had to teach two students how to do apostrophes in contractions.
2. My students listened and worked well so they were able to complete the work sheet.
3. We had no white board for a little while so we started later.
4. That anybody can do apostrophes if they learn how to.
5. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5

Throwing up in space

Heres the Link to my information.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Manuka Podcast (Battle of Gate Pa)

This is the Link to my Manuka podcast notes. Part of my homework to get a bowl.

Box Method

 This is my homework to get a bowl.

Snake vs. Crocodile

The snake strangles and kills the crocodile consuming its prey after.

Monday, 10 March 2014

1. 12 Years a Slave

NFC (Near Field Communication) Tags

NFC is awesome!!! Its used for everything they transfer data from one device to another I love them and I cant wait to get some NFC tags!!!

1. What are they? Near field communication devices.
2. What are they used for? Wireless technology shops to stop shoplifting.
3. Why are they used? To stop people from breaking in to cars and other things.
4. How do they work? They work on a system that can sensor any motion of a card.
5. Can they be used to open a car door using a cellphone signal ? Yes.
6. What is a good about NFC? They can open cars using a cellphone signal.
7. What is bad about the NFC? The NFC could easily be hacked.

Sunday, 9 March 2014


1. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same but spelt differently
2. Use your when you are talking about a person being good at something or bad at something/Use you're when you are saying you are good at something or you are bad at something but it is an abbreviation to you're
3. You're good at stuff/You're bad at stuff/You're being a good citizen.
4. Your laptops screen just smashed/Your rugby ball is flat/Your family is rich
5. Your food looks nice but you're not going to eat it/Your turtle is one of a kind but you're going to kill it.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Camp Dialogue


"Hi Jayden"
"Hi Dad"
"How was camp?"
"Do you have any washing?"
"Yes, and a lot of it."


"Excuse me  Miss Campbell?"
"Yes Jayden"
"What am I doing for tech this week?"
"Hold on and I will check"
"You are doing food tech this week Jayden"
"Thank you Miss Campbell."


"This food is yum aye Matthew?"
"Yea its got nice texture"
"And good taste"
"I think it has some ginger in it?"
"Yea it has"
"Who made it?"
" I think Jordan did."

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Camp Advice

  • Wash your hands before the bell rings to get food.
  •  If you want to do the flying fox you have to do the high ropes course.
  •  Don't leave your gear lying around otherwise you will have to do push ups.
  • Don't be the eater in clash of camps.
  • Don't bring lollies to camp otherwise you will have to give them to the adults.
  • If you don't want big bruises make sure your on Mr. Hart's team for paintball.